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big hug bunny #doodle

2013-02-01 #1658 I just had a feeling that today would be a good day to unleash the Big Hug Bunny into the world. I hope you’ll share him…

Take Joy In You #doodle

2013-01-30 #1657

Make Wow Happen #doodle

2013-01-25 #1656 Finally got around to adding color to this one. It’s probably been sitting on my desk for two months 🙂

Prehistoric precedent #doodle

2012-12-20 #1655 I’m catching up on my scanning – I actually drew this one in December. I’ll probably be doing a bit more of that in the next…

welcome #doodle

2013-01-22 #1654

who rescued whom? #doodle

2013-01-22 #1653

self-portrait as a young unicorn #doodle

2013-01-15 #1651

of what use is a dream #doodle

2013-01-09 #1650 One of my favorite quotes comes from, believe it or not, the Batman movie made in 1966. It is uttered by Bruce Wayne to Miss Kitka…

the morning stretch 2 #doodle

2013-01-09 #1649 Stretch and stretch again.

Simply happy #doodle

2013-01-08 #1648