Tag: cohen 2012Page 2 of 5
2012-12-10 #1640 First comes love by David Cohen 2012-12-10 interweaved and interwoven take this kiss, lest it be stolen upon the brow and bowers high love ‘twixt lips…
2012-12-07 #1639 http://www.equationarts.com/2012/12/the-quiet-celebration-doodle
2012-12-06 #1638 Did you notice anything AWESOME today? Yes? AWESOME!!! No? OK. Try again tomorrow. Doing something awesome is nice too, but that’s a lot of pressure. Noticing…
2012-12-06 #1637 Loud Bunny says “Let them eat cake!” and wishes Rachael a happy birthday. http://www.equationarts.com/2012/12/loud-bunny-says-let-them-eat-cake-doodle
2012-12-06 #1636 http://www.EquationArts.com/2012/12/praise-for-the-steadfast-doodle
2012-11-29 #1635 LOVE… There is nothing new about it, except EVERYTHING http://www.EquationArts.com/2012/11/nothing-new-about-it-doodle
2012-11-27 #1634 Doodler’s secret #1: It feels good to feel good. Think about it. http://www.EquationArts.com/2012/11/it-feels-good-doodle
2012-11-24 #1633 http://www.EquationArts.com/2012/11/spirit-frame-doodle
2012-11-22 #1632 I’m weird and wonderful and so are my friends – and I’m truly grateful for you all. If only I were really this spry 😉 http://www.EquationArts.com/2012/11/im-weird-and-wonderful-doodle
More hug, less harm #doodle
2012-12-16 #1642 I made this doodle on Friday when I first heard the news about the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. I was about to head off to…