Hi! Im David Cohen, but you can call me Doodles, or Doodleslice.
I draw. I paint. I write poems. I try to spread positivity, love and happiness through my creations.
I believe in the Earthlings: we are more good than evil. If you need proof, have a hug or a homemade chocolate chip cookie. If we can share those, then there is hope for us yet.
2013-05-25 #1711 Confessions of a doodler #1: I often have difficulty reconciling the balance between love and money, passion and practicality. The original drawing, The Balance, is available…
2013-05-22 #1710 I don’t know what these bunnies are cooking up, but it looks like love is the main ingredient. You can purchase the original of this doodle…
2013-04-25 #1688 This certificate is to remind you that you don’t need anybody’s permission to fully, wonderfully, awesomely, YOU! Luceat Lux Vestra is latin for Let Your Light…
permission not required #doodle
2013-04-25 #1688 This certificate is to remind you that you don’t need anybody’s permission to fully, wonderfully, awesomely, YOU! Luceat Lux Vestra is latin for Let Your Light…